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Seriously, you’re not burning your chests? They’ll burn forever without vanishing like wood, and apparently also light your nether portals!
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Has anyone ever told you, you sound very much like stampy, without the accent?
I have so many papers in my room that are just coordinates
Couldnt stop laughing at the end of the video😂
I gave a like for the end when you found all the stuff
Write down coordinates on wooden signs.
2:20 When there's Wall variants for everything that has a fence variant, then I'll be (mostly) satisfied. Until then, just having stone Wall "vertical slabs" isn't quite enough…
cant even get past the part on how to make a w file lmao
Is this a joke?
Safety Torch!!! Who remembered the song?
I can't tell if he's serious or not lmao
27:55 that cats having a disco party without the music
Poor advice end portal. 2:58 Fake end portal lava trap for yourself. Died around 3:06!
Cook the potatoes in a furnace and you get 3 hearts from each one, rather than 1 heart from a raw potato
pure garbage video.
I use the book and quil to make notes and mark locations like a travel log sometimes I even make up a backstory for abandoned villages I find
Y just o
But why the village in the end hahahaha this is crazy
And the guardian? How?? Mind blowing and hilarious
The gold tools thing where it mines faster is a myth btw
Please put Efficiency 5 on your axe before complaining about not instabreaking logs
I have to slightly disagree with the lava bucket as fuel source thing : for new players in new worlds this is absolutely viable, but when you start needing blocks in bigger amounts for building, having a super smelter with a bamboo farm attached to it is saving you insane amounts of time. Other then that, nice Video 🙂
dude your misleading sarcasm is just not funny