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In this episode of 30+ Build Projects for Survival Minecraft I showcase some more useful builds, like a super smelter design, automatic sugar cane farm, modular house walls and more!
Ultimate Super Smelter: https://youtu.be/Huy6acRIbXM
Auto Sugar Cane Farm: https://youtu.be/0qUCv-5WsaY
— s o c i a l s —
🏰Want to download these builds? Check out my Patreon for build downloads & more benefits!
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🔴Second Channel:
🌲Texturepack: Better Leaves Addon
🌞Shaders: Complementary
— m u s i c —
All music from Old School Runescape
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Intro: 0:00
Build 1: 0:21
Build 2-5: 1:01
Build 6: 2:37
Build 7: 3:15
Build 8-9: 4:10
Build 10-11: 5:10
Build 12-15: 6:30
Build 16-19: 7:26
Build 20-23: 8:37
Build 24-27: 9:53
Build 28-31: 11:45
#Minecraft #MinecraftTutorial #HowToBuild
TQ Sir For This And Love Your Videos 🥰🥰
O yeh boy
I'm your first viewer😎😎
Let's goo first great job on keeping your content consistent
The ruined looks are so cool!
I love the look of the super smelter. It looks like a bakery or some place where ovens are used a lot. Great design!
Also, you should make an apocalyptic base design. I love sci-fi, and I think post apocalyptic builds fit right into that!
hello sir
Which is your favourite build?
Can you do a tutorial of the industrial farm?
hi I'm blong from India and I am watch your video
Pls build 10 -11
We want underground base
Love this!!
It's Mumbo Jumbo!
Pls upload hardcore ep 4
love from bd🇧🇩
For me I really like all of the medieval builds and wish you did a all medieval video.
BTW I love ur Vids😍😍😍
My man keep saying hanging roots as rooted dirt.
Can't wait to see more!
Can you do all tips in minecraft to make you not bored
I don’t really like them but if I were a teacher I’d give them a A-
Hey mate, I just wanted to let you know that your my favourite Minecraft YouTuber, and the fac that you sir through your videos with commentary makes them a billion times better! I’ve made a majority of your builds, and to top it off I need a really big base, kind of a late game one, and I was wondering if you could make a video covering a base like that. Thanks mate
Could you make a medieval village build?
Interesting ♨now 😅💋
It's tough choosing the most favourite build because all of them are perfect and perfect. I really admire your talents and efforts you put in these building.
I love you bro 😍
Which shaider are you using?
love the video!!
What happened to your instagram page?
can you do a tutourial for build 6 please it looks really cool and i would like to have it in my hardcore world
Bro hardcore next episode pls
I love the bridges. That underwater one is such a cool idea. And the big one with the different sections made me think of the Ponte Vecchio. Now I really want to build a bridge inspired by Ponte Vecchio in my world. Lol
Modern Farm, cool idea!
bro is needing a testosterone shot, your voice is so squeaky
Could you make a build or a couple of builds with a pathway going up the side of the mountain? Can’t think of a good idea of one yet
Hey can you do a step by step on how to build a dragon flying please?
That underwater bridge has def inspired me, there are so many ways to use this. Now to find a perfect spot… Great vids, keep it up!
Gostei muito da ideias muito obrigado apesar de não entender inglês eu curto seu canal.
Your voice is like smooth chocolate. That when you speak about this builds it encourages me to go beyond in minecraft
The crop farms are a great design
No torches or light
Underwater bridge