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AfterLife SMP fWhip has a brand new origin and everything went wrong.. leading to 2 more new origins.. Leave a LIKE and SUBSCRIBE
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@Joey Graceffa
@Katherine Elizabeth Gaming
#Minecraft #Survival #Afterlife
Thanks for checking out today's Afterlife Episode! Yes a new series is coming soon, your big brain is correct <3
the obviously swift end to afterlife is really leaving a bitter taste in my mouth :/
Coming from an Aussie. There's a tree kangaroo that looks like a large possum type critter that lives in trees. Kangaroos live on the ground and use trees, shrubs etc for shelter. Another great video fWhip 🙂
I smell empires smp 👃
Uh oh
The stupid deaths are kinda off putting :/ if you guys wanted to die fast, you could just make a war, or something. At least now you know that next time (if there is one), you'll have just 3-5 lifes
Kangaroos do not live in trees I know that because I live in kangaroos natural country, Australia
Fwhip: Why did I not vote for you!? I'm sorry, I wanted the glow squid
Me: Fwhip those are two different years of mob votes, it was against glare and allay for the golem (I really wanted the glare especially with the new caves)
P. S. Sad to see that afterlife is coming to a close, this was the series that definitely got me back to watching this group of people and to return to some of my fav yters like Joey, but I'm sure the next series will be even better
fWhip you can use sheers on vines to make them stop growing at whatever length you want. I think you just need to right click it. Idk if you can use it on moded ones tho
I don't know why but everytime I watch one of your videos, only one thing remains in my mind
fWhIpY yOu LoOk LiKe MoMmY bAbY
As a note for the Truffle race:
The Damage, Defence and Speed work both ways
Speaking in very general terms
When using the damage boost:
You have 2x Damage, but Half defence
When using the speed boost:
You have 2x Speed, but Half damage
When using the Defence boost:
You have 2x Defence, but Half speed
On top of that, you get minor negatives in damage, speed and defence respectively.
So when using the damage boost, you're slower than a normal human.
And when using the defence boost, you have slightly less damage than a normal human, too.
It can get annoying never having a 'baseline'
Just remember, be very careful with the damage boost. You hit hard but die very quickly, and can't run away as effectively as others.
When landing on mycelium (At least with the speed boost active and at least in the version I played in) you don't take damage.
The Truffle race is very dependant on you fighting on your own turf. You hit faster, cant take knockback, and can get around faster than everyone else.
Consider growing your mycelium empire?
I doubt this is gonna be read, and anyone should take this information with a grain of salt since Im a stranger on the internet.
Buuuut yeah
Enjoy being a mushroom 🙂
Try not to die-
can you change the oak tree to a chunky spruce tree? i think it would look better
So basically you guys are trying to get this s.m.p over with as fast as possible, barely any attempts to hide it anymore, that’s why grian’s 3rd life/ last life only had upwards of 6 lives and boogie man and the red life thing, he knows better.
Nice build
The kangeroo was karmaaaa
Everyone is having their Lizzie moment on the server now omg.
Being Australian and ligit just commming back from feeding the local kangaroos i can say they do not liv in trees 🙂
Dear fWhip, I feel it is my duty as an Aussie to inform you that kangaroos do not, I repeat, DO NOT! live in trees. They are quite large and tend to obey the laws of physics. Australian animals that do, however, live in trees include; koalas, possums (Aussie possums, not American possums there is a difference), and several bird species (kookaburra, rainbow lorikeet, gala, just to name a few). Kangaroos (and their smaller cousin the wallaby) like to stick to the ground jumping about and stealing people's undies. If you read this (anyone, not just fWhip) I'd like to thank you for reading my rather long commit and inform you (this bit is just fWhip) that I enjoy your videos thurraly including this one despite your misinformation. I bid you good day from a concerned Aussie. 😄😋🐼🦘
Birch????? Birch Fwip???? Have you betrayed the spruce???
will afterlife end when 1.19 comes
Live in The end pls pls
there are tree kangaroos irl though
Dieing on perpose is starting to get boring
That Mushroom house is so cute
cryfWhip, u died at the Enderman farm cuz there was an ender man boss that was called the "alchemist webslinging thorny enderman" … If u look at ur recording the boss bar popped up a couple of times
You could have been a tree kangaroo if you had survived long enough – there is such a thing IRL. Flame-grilled kangaroo on the menu tonight?
A little bit of a disappointing series… (not aimed at fwhip) but a lot of way staged deaths and poorly acted deaths because some of the origins sucked and the players didn’t want to deal with them
I really wonder if there's a word given out to end the series. Most of the multi-deaths players of this week have survived for ages in hardcore. Yet dies of the simplest things in this. Sad, this was truly a very fun run when it started. =
kangaroos don’t go in trees lad
So you're telling me you've survived in your hardcore world since November last year, but you've died 3 times on this server just this last week? Yeah, no, that doesn't seem staged at all….
"Wha.. ok"
Is there anyway we could get a copy of the afterlife mob file, I would love to work with these awesome mods
Whats with people dying 3 times in one video?! First Lizzie, then Joel and now fWhip?!☠☠☠☠☠