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Thank you for watching: 25 Minecraft Seeds That Shouldn’t Exist. Today we discuss the rarest and coolest seeds you can spawn into in Minecraft! Some examples include an igloo surrounded by a lava pit, a map similar to Fortnite, and the best seed for a speed run! Which seed are you going to spawn next?
Woodland Mansion Village (Seed: 2374522903531219544) Java 1.19
Giant Farlands island (Seed: -5326459052469485554 // Coords: -400 115 -1819) Java 1.19
Village at Deepslate (Seed: 2094643072965633279 // Coords: 1347 5 -4028) Java 1.19
7 Way Lake Spawn (Seed: 652212683) Bedrock 1.16
Spawn of death (Seed: -95982967058333145) Java 1.16
Largest Mushroom Biome (Seed: -1023707519) Bedrock 1.19
Village surrounded by mountains (Seed: 6487992) Java 1.19
Fortnite Map (Seed: 50774022433) Java 1.19
1000 Islands (Seed: -7379899658909744303) Java 1.16
Speed Run (Seed: -4530634556500121041) Java 1.16
Eye of Minecraft (Seed: 3657198013487 // Coords: 19412 ~ -308) Java 1.19
Pirate Island (Seed: -8496124488663064751) Java 1.19
The worst place for an igloo (Seed: 712204658857547 // Coords: 1000 ~ -150) Java 1.19
Super Tall Woodland Mansion (Seed: 633155865) Bedrock 1.19
Longest Ravine in MC (Seed: 1669320484 // Coords: -600 75 -600) Bedrock 1.16
Two Villages Two Islands (Seed: 726900998444478744) Java 1.16
Ancient Cities Galore (Seed: -3287822446893397) Java 1.19
Stronghold Surface Entrance (Seed: -7495965361695381205) Java 1.16
Heart Lake (Seed: 5742613388566557154 // Coords: -990 ~ 3200) Java 1.17
Village on a Spire (Seed: -5694368681594500133) Java 1.16
Sink Hole in Lake (Seed: 121825627925) Java 1.19
Giant survival Island (Seed: 6168669096356993368) Bedrock 1.19
Village surrounded by ice spikes (Seed: 179737413) Java 1.19
Endless mineshafts (Seed: 107038380838084) Java 1.19
Lotsa Villages (Seed: -1307195662400911752) Bedrock 1.19
Why haven't you posted a video for 2 weeks
I would build a villager kingdom.
Where are the story videos
Kinda miss the lore videos
Great vid 👌
7:08 finally I can create a Minecraft underground Railway system connecting those ancient cities.
It's ten trillion for 12 eye stronghold lol,.,.,.,.,..,
I would build a giant castle on the massive mycelium island and expand the coastal villages nearby into a whole village that circles the island coast.
Cool 😎
I have a question about broken seeds. I randomly ended up in one wiht no animals in it except for fishes and squids in the water. It also have sunken ships and ocean monuments on top of mountains everywhere, loads of them. When you find seeds like that, which is very broken since no animals and it will be hard to make books and arrows and so on, do i report them some where for bugfix?
How do you know this
I saw a crazy viliger up adov the sly it like 30 feet😂😂
i saw an emerald deepslate ore there that is actually too much rare! Good job Dr.Bonks
Jk. Jk.
I didn’t see that mansion, but please add it in 1.21
I actually got the largest mushroom biome 😂
why are you showing things 3:01