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24 Cursed Minecraft Toys on Amazon with PrestonPlayz 👊
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5:58 lol
8:21 in the name of the Lord what the hec
Please war thanos
Wow !!! AmAzing but expensive! The things you do for YouTube
Pika pika
The best video
Can you play fortnite chapter 4
I love then
We all love you Preston I'm aaaaa bigg fan
But I'm in Arizona
And plus I'm 11
Bro chase why break Xbox 10:23
This is so funny😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
You are so rich preston
I’m the only one that heard Preston say ‘Chase I literally F****d you come here I’m not done yet’. 4:57 😂😂
It's sonic exe👹
What's wrong at 6:25
Those sonis plushies are exe. The first one Is Lord X and the second one is Tails Doll and its a gem on him
The spidy man thing is solo mpfunny
Preston ween gets the storm trooper breaks the table (oh no are table it’s broken!)😂
from 2:17 or 11:29 I have the but differnt is super cute I wear it when today is my day off going to the beach is a fun day.
sonic exe preston sonic exe.
Among Us +sonic .E.X.E
Rosa please please get me I subscribe to your ready elizabeth driver in my bubble is a pet pack so can I get a little slick
That creepy sonic plushie was an demon version called sonic.exe/ lord x that eliminates people
Hey hey sonic Mario building sonic
You murdered the cow
Preston Thor hammer cool
Tails doll and Lord X lol
big bootay chase
don't say flipping Preston
Rainbow friends
2:10 💀💀💀 👁👄👁
They are Poppets
It’s a pop it😡
I have the Pikachu hat but it's broken
I haaaaatttttttttttteee the hammer
I’ve seen things like the pikachu one
You just put Spider-Man do you know that Spider-Man in the spider because you just made it bad that’s why I unsubscribed
Alot of sonic stuff LOL
5:11 those are lord x and tails doll plushies