22 Things You're Doing WRONG In Minecraft

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No one can tell you what you can and cannot do. Unless they’re a Minecraft YouTuber of course /s

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This Video Was Edited By:
Samuel H

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21 thoughts on “22 Things You're Doing WRONG In Minecraft”

  1. Hi nube to middle game here 😆, are there any other console players out there who have tried the pick block change in settings? I'm definitely going to give it a try later! Anywho are there any big differences between PC gaming and consoles?(like other than being bedrock and java) lol I'm willing to strike up a conversation haha 😄

  2. I play pocket edition and on one of my words i made a random village my base and guess what i found when making a strip mine in my neighbors house (the strip mine not the thing found making a mine)

  3. 9:24 Dude… are you serious? Like, are you just trying to be funny? I mean, sure, I guess. I'm pretty much convinced you just made that point up so you can have a nicer video title, do you? Like 21 things you're doing wrong isn't as many as 22 so let's make up some garbage for the title.

  4. around 7:50 you say if you put a single chest next to a single chest it forces it to be a double, but you can make a bunch of single chests next to each other by crouch placing the chest on the ground, at least on Java edition. This could be different on bedrock tho, I have no idea, i don't play bedrock.


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