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Please note: On Gamers React, you will discover highly edited gaming clips from streamers. Clips used in the video are submitted by fans through our email and discord server. I spend over 12 hours per video editing to transform these clips into something that has never been seen before! There is also commentary from me that is included within the video for either added entertainment or to highlight something the audience may have missed out on without said commentary. My edits include creative subtitles, that we edit (it may go bigger or smaller based on the person’s speech or have some other kind of edit). Creative sound effects like cartoon effects when someone either falls from a high place, hits the ground, falls in lava, dies in the game, and much more. We include many memes in the video to make the video more entertaining for the viewer to watch as well as include many green screen effects to make the videos more comical and creative. We also spend time zooming in on peoples faces as well as zooming into certain parts of the video to highlight something the viewer may be missing out on if there were no zoom ins. We also manipulate audio or video in our clips to ensure there is no dead air for our viewers to watch. Over 50 clips are used in every video and we come up with a creative way to alter EVERY SINGLE clip to make it our own and UNIQUE to OUR channel. The majority of the unedited (or original) version of the clips I use can NOT be found anywhere else on YouTube. If you have any concerns or want a clip of yours removed, please send an email at [email protected]
SUBMIT CLIPS IN THIS DISCORD: https://discord.gg/9rH9a5Z
instagram https://www.instagram.com/gamersreactyt/
tik tok @gamersreactyt
Background Music:
“Night out” by LiQWYD https://soundcloud.com/liqwyd
This is the FOURTH video we are doing of 200 iq vs 10 iq minecraft plays!!! In this video, we have some INSANE clutches that you won’t believe happened! A lot of these 200 iq plays come from bedwars which is super cool. We pair each 200 iq plays clip with a 10 iq play and its hilarious because of the contrast of both clips and we add music to each clip to make the contrast even more dramatic! You don’t want to miss this video!
▼ Players featured in this episode, thanks everyone!:
(In order of appearance)
Wallibear https://www.twitch.tv/wallibear
Sapnap https://www.twitch.tv/sapnap
DuckioFTW https://www.twitch.tv/duckioftw
Adal https://www.twitch.tv/adal
ignMqxS https://www.twitch.tv/ignmqxs
MichaelM – I can’t find his link, so if you can, let me know so I can give credit where credit is due
Hannahxxrose https://www.twitch.tv/hannahxxrose
HAchubby https://www.twitch.tv/hachubby
DIONYO0 https://www.twitch.tv/dionyo0
GeorgeNotFound https://www.twitch.tv/georgenotfound
steadypsycho https://www.twitch.tv/steadypsycho
DaniMilkman https://www.twitch.tv/danimilkman
CarnageLTK https://www.twitch.tv/carnageltk
pizdziak_ – I can’t find his link, so if you can, let me know so I can give credit where credit is due
PurpleCrafted https://www.twitch.tv/purplecrafted
jojosolos https://www.twitch.tv/jojosolos
justinchen_ https://www.twitch.tv/justinchen_
Specularpotatat https://www.twitch.tv/specularpotat
Nerdi https://www.twitch.tv/nerdi
Dowsky https://www.twitch.tv/dowsky
Freezecz https://www.twitch.tv/freezecz
quack123abc https://www.twitch.tv/quack123abc
european_lynx https://www.twitch.tv/european_lynx
illumina1337 https://www.twitch.tv/illumina1337
kunoo_ https://www.twitch.tv/kunoo__
fishyonpc https://www.twitch.tv/fishyonpc
mas4k https://www.twitch.tv/mas4k
ClutchCps – https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCGFyvLHW7o3n5LI5l6Yl2lg
knives_exe https://www.twitch.tv/knives_exe
duckdan https://www.twitch.tv/duckdan
Weegee https://www.twitch.tv/weegee
MathoX https://www.twitch.tv/mathox
Zipfile69 https://www.twitch.tv/zipfile69
skeppyisnotbald https://www.twitch.tv/skeppyisnotbald
RyanDCB https://www.twitch.tv/ryandcb
Jibo3D https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCVVwiScXTCT0XwbzYza9jfA
karljacobs https://www.twitch.tv/karljacobs
iiNub https://www.twitch.tv/iinub
AgenteMaxo https://www.twitch.tv/agentemaxo
obese_duul https://www.twitch.tv/obese_duul
resttpowered https://www.twitch.tv/resttpowered
onlyjayus https://www.twitch.tv/onlyjayus
aka_ahdio https://www.twitch.tv/aka_ahdio
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You say you will delete our micraft acount and you did not
I did a test and I actually have a 97iq which is apparently above average 😜😏✌️
I don't have a mc account
dont press Q
BTEC Minecraft Royale
not my Minecraft account
4:28 This is actually the first time I’ve been to the nether, bro. Me: Yeah, I can tell.
0:54 adal as bayrakları cCc
It became mania to watch him
1:30 we gotham boys
Shes a girl😑😑
Are you even the owner or developer moderator and admin? 😏
All the dislikes are from George and his alts and fans (thumbnail)
3:48 i7 7700k!?! with a 750ti that what u call an EXTREME bottleneck
7:04 nooo maxooo como lo fallastes la ender pel
2:36 mortal kombat fatality
2:35 fatality
Buang ka
When he throw the neterite more hurt than break up
20iq to 20,000 like dream
0:54 as bayrakları as as
HA!! Good try mate I don’t even have a minecraft account!! 🙂 😉😉😉😜😜😜
Never Listen To Your Twitch Chat
If u delete my minecraft account I will delete ur YouTube channel
0:54 adal adam
0:49 as bayralkalrı ass ewqwqe
Hahaha you wont
Hello, I suggest you bedwars videos on AliDenizŞenpotuk channel with 480.000 subscribers, a turk YouTuber. There are many epic moves <3
1 русский
People says: like and subscribe or i will delete your minecraft acc
Me who dont have minecraft acc: 😎
At first I thought the 10IQ was 101IQ so I was like how is George dead and then I realized that the "I" and so it was actually 10IQ me bruh I'm dum
1:30 lol WebTho is toxic