You should start a server with a randomly generated massive map and let players start civilizations. Could keep it going for years, make some extra money and content off of it, and keep more than just 200 players engaged. I could see like 50+ different nations forming and a bunch of cool stuff like history happening as time goes on.
These videos are really fun. I just want to see the experiment run longer. I'm sure if you let these guys go at it for long enough, they'll create enough of their own plotlines. Basically, the other video was better.
I really wish I could join one of these. But I'm not about to put out 3,000 dollars on a gaming pc. So I'll just comfortably watch from the safety of my bed
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yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeees its part 2
We will remember Thanos chicken
wish he did this on bedrock edition so i could join, ik many others would want to as well
How to join?
Long live thanos_chicken he will be missed with his great sacrifice
You should start a server with a randomly generated massive map and let players start civilizations. Could keep it going for years, make some extra money and content off of it, and keep more than just 200 players engaged. I could see like 50+ different nations forming and a bunch of cool stuff like history happening as time goes on.
You should add the sim mod so that you can simulate birth rates
They also add marriages and procreation meaning they can add more population
That can also be a way to "respawn"
That was so good
These videos are really fun. I just want to see the experiment run longer. I'm sure if you let these guys go at it for long enough, they'll create enough of their own plotlines. Basically, the other video was better.
rip thanoschicken such a good friend
Thanos Chicken and WoodDaddy were the main characters and no one can change my mind.
While this video was Premiered at the exact same time i broke my toe. Coincidence? I think not
I love Thorne screwed everything up
I was rooting for legacy all the way
I really wish I could join one of these. But I'm not about to put out 3,000 dollars on a gaming pc. So I'll just comfortably watch from the safety of my bed
That ending
17:09 i knew this could only end in violence, but i didn't see this coming!
The guy who pearled out to allow his friend survive in his place
Thanos_Chicken’s sacrifice
HopeBounty’s tribe accepting the end
You will not be forgotten.
I’m just sad about wood daddy and thanks chicken
Man these experiments have been really fascinating to watch!
The ending deserves an oscar
I love seeing players from the last experiment in this one
This was awesome
Deserves a sub