200 Players Simulate Civilization on Minecraft Island

Minecraft Viki (video wiki) ➜ https://minecraft.viki.gg

In this video, I put 200 Minecraft players onto a mysterious island. Each player only had one life. Will the players build a successful …


28 thoughts on “200 Players Simulate Civilization on Minecraft Island”

  1. You should start a server with a randomly generated massive map and let players start civilizations. Could keep it going for years, make some extra money and content off of it, and keep more than just 200 players engaged. I could see like 50+ different nations forming and a bunch of cool stuff like history happening as time goes on.

  2. You should add the sim mod so that you can simulate birth rates

    They also add marriages and procreation meaning they can add more population

    That can also be a way to "respawn"

  3. These videos are really fun. I just want to see the experiment run longer. I'm sure if you let these guys go at it for long enough, they'll create enough of their own plotlines. Basically, the other video was better.


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