200 Iron Golems Vs 1000 Witches | Minecraft

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►Mods :

📌 Mob battle Mod: https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/mob-battle-mod

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29 thoughts on “200 Iron Golems Vs 1000 Witches | Minecraft”

  1. 'Knowing the prophetic value of God's word does nothing but STRENGTHEN our faith and trust in God's word! We have, in the Bible, in this Passover/Palm Sunday prophecy [among other Bible prophecies] an abundance of irrefutable evidence that the word of God is accurate, valid and true! Fulfilled Bible prophecies is not a laughing matter! When someone tells us exact dates of events that will occur hundreds of years later you would think the world would stand up and take notice! Some have…some haven't. Unfortunately, most of the world doesn't even know Bible prophecy EXISTS, let alone that it is ACCURATE! WHY? Because the pulpits are silent….and Christians are following suit. It is time for us to stand up for the word of God. The world believes a whole pack of lies about what the Bible is…about what the Bible says…and I'm sick and tired of it. Now is the time for all good men to come to the aid of their country. As Christians, this world is not our home. Our citizenship is in heaven. If we're not defending our God…and His word…who will? The atheists? The unbelievers? Who? Praise God somebody told US THE TRUTH! Now it's our turn to do the same in the lives of others. The clock is ticking and we're almost out of time. We're living in Bible days…and prophecy is…once again…being fulfilled. And Israel's Messiah…Jesus Christ…is about to come back AGAIN!!!! MARANATHA!



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