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Today I will be showing off some new build hacks that 1.20 has made possible. Included in this video are ideas around the new pots, tricks using the hanging signs, as well as builds using bamboo wood and pink cherry wood.
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– [ *Game Info* ] –
► Shaders: Complementary https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/customization/complementary-shaders
► Resource Pack: Jerm’s Better Leaves
🎵 Music by Epidemic Sound (30-day free trial): https://www.epidemicsound.com/referral/ma3vro
Picnic Benches: 0:03 🧺
Simpler picnic bench: 0:50🧺
River bridge: 1:37💧
Mob proof door: 3:00 🚪
Dog door: 4:08 🚪🐩
Bamboo trick: 4:36 🎍🐼
Faucet design: 4:53 💧
Storage pots: 5:17 🏺
Smoker design: 5:34 💨
Dog house: 6:10 🏠🐶
Sign post: 7:05 🚧
Plant pots: 7:42 🏺
Chimney: 8:26💨
Dining table: 8:42 🍴🍽️
This took a while 😅
Bahi dog house har
Vedio mein acha nahi lagta
You can place water bucket inside of decorated pot and surround it with signs giving you a beautiful blue color.
jtlyk you can now right click with sheers to prevent further growth on bamboo
Just a little heads up, spiders can go through hanging signs in java edition 1.20.1 (3:42)
Goodbye stone walls, hellooo chimney pots!
I like all them ,minecraft is the best game in the world ,thanks mojang😎
I kinda want to try making the faucet functional. Perhaps you could place a hopper minecart under the pot, so when you throw a bucket or bottle at the pot, the hopper minecart sucks the item to a dispenser that fills it, and a system takes the filled bucket/bottle and spits it out!
That Bridge is awesome
I love builds like this that use blocks in unusual ways. It's amazing what you can pull off with a little creativity.
So why do the other mobs not go through the two tall hanging signs but the baby zombie can go through the one tall sign? Does anyone know the science behind that?
The presentation is fantastic and the builds look so good
Great ideas my friend and Thank You❗️
what texture pack you use and where did you get it from?
I love this channel and the video also
0:41 nothing is better than sitting on a coal and ash 😌🤣
The shaders and different footstep sounds is my dream Minecraft, but as if I’m spending hundreds maybe a thousand dollars on a PC just for shaders 😅
I love seeing people find new ways to use blocks, it’s so fun to see and even encourages me to build more in Minecraft as I am not a big fan of killing the ender dragon lol
Please can You Tell me the name of the mods/textures You use? They look cool
Bro vere did you get this shader
The pet door was awesome!
Extinguised campfires as chairs/benches look uncomfortable. How about oak slabs instead?
My god, I never thought pots had this much building potential. I'm going to have to start experimenting soon. The only thing I can think of that would make these better is if we could paint them… Maybe next update.
can someone explain to me what mod/resource pack he is using for custom sounds pleaaase
Это не хаки, это искусство!
Thank you for an awesome video! ❤️
4:08 closes door after coming in: tired of you dog not coming in? I'm sorry this made me laugh so much