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19 Secret Minecraft Features You’ll Use Right Away! Minecraft doesn’t tell you much about what to do in the game, so sometimes the best features can pass you by. In that case, let’s go over some of the best ‘hidden’ or untold features in Minecraft 1.16 that you’ll start using right away. From the sneaky F3 debug commands to the fastest way to grow your crops and more, let’s see what features exist in minecraft that you maybe didn’t know about in this Skip the Tutorial minecraft list video!
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▪Character done by ChickenWithTie ▶https://goo.gl/wJ7879
Footage collected by Frankie Mundo
Research and map by Jonah Walters
Edited by https://www.haleyascharf.com
Texture Pack: Vanilla Tweaks https://vanillatweaks.net/picker/resource-packs/
Some music used in this video is courtesy of Mewmore. Make sure to follow their tracks at https://www.youtube.com/user/Mewmore
Portions of this video are copyrighted and owned by Nintendo, and their use is allowed by the Nintendo Game Content Guidelines for Online Video & Image Sharing Platforms (https://www.nintendo.co.jp/networkservice_guideline/en/index.html?n). All other original content, unless expressly noted otherwise, is ©2021, by the Skip the Tutorial creator, all rights reserved.
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How to Properly Use an Anvil and Apply more than 30 Enchantments to an Item.
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Skip:*talks about the destroy button
The /clear command: Am i a joke to you?
It's a feature it's also a tip in mcpe or Minecraft Bedrock (Full version, not beta)
Me: yes minecraft tips
Skip: most of them are java!
Me: who plays on bedrock
Bedrock players: confused screaming
I turned my phone upside down and hen clicked subscribe i was already subscribed BEFFORE…. but it unsubscribe
#9 is actually not a bug,its an intended feature in the game.
I love you video
In among us I also know a glitch if u have alignment task instead of doing upper engine u can do lower engine first but it’s gives a glitch when u do lower engine first it says to do lower engine but you can’t do it again so you will have to do upper engine after you do lower engine first
I can’t get the debug stick
Im in pocket/ bedrock boi
Magma blocks are like a lave source block has some stones that you can step on and if we just walk it's like we step on lave then on stone and again step on lava but if we shift it's like we pick and stand on just the rocks and not the lava
Practically NONE of these features work on bedrock edition!
The Magma Block shift feature has been there since 1.10 and was public news just nobody actually cared enough to look in the patch notes or read Minecraft Magazines like Mineworld because not everyone is a nerd like me
I Already Knew If You Shift To Survive The Magma Block
Magma crouch: Found
Me who used it on 1.3.0 version: :_
Hmmm is your name skip, and your the tutorial, or do you actually skip the tutorial.-.
i liked this video, but upside down
The anvil one is useless. The item in the frame is to SPECIFICALLY TELL what the content the chest has WITHOUT having to search through your chests.
It's super easy to know to craft andesite by just looking at the crafting recipe's
19 facts and while im watching 19th trending
"19 Secret Minecraft Features You'll Use Right Away"
me on a computer: HMMM
that moment when bedrock
the hitbox of the hopper minecart is a bit taller than a normal hopper
"never enough andesite"
Always too much.
I knew that achnatment 30+ Before 2021
Is this sneaky if tons of people watch this
Really hard games: * offers me a REALLY helpful tutorial *
Me: Let’s Skip the Tutorial
Apparently this was made today