15 BIGGEST UPDATES in Minecraft 1.19.50!

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Minecraft Bedrock 1.19.50 is out now!! In this update bedrock officially has spectator mode and also a lot of parity changes have made their way over to Minecraft bedrock too!! In this video we take a look at the biggest updates in the newest minecraft version!

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if you read this comment “list week soon”


23 thoughts on “15 BIGGEST UPDATES in Minecraft 1.19.50!”

  1. Spectator mode on bedrock: I thought switching back to survival from spectator would bring the camera back to where my character was standing. Is this not how it’s supposed to work?

    Used spectator on iOS for the first time yesterday. Was poking around below my base and found a few geodes. With the camera still underground, I switched back to survival which I thought would return me to my character in my house. It did not, but instead made me active in the middle of deep blocks and suffocating. Luckily, I’d turned on keep inventory months ago because my nephew kept losing all his sh’t, so I didn’t lose anything! Guessing I’d have lost everything if I’d died in blocks without that setting.

    Is this really how it’s supposed to work? It’s essentially a free teleport anywhere system right now.


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