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1000 OP Cookies vs Safest Minecraft House w/ BeckBroJack
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Today I found out 1000 Cookies were trying to break into my new Most Secure House in Minecraft! I only have 1 night to prepare my secure home to defend it against the Cookie Army. Can I survive the night in my most secure Minecraft house?
Plzzz moreee jungle island plzzz
Jacks dream video
Can anyone count how many times jack said cookies😂😂😂
That Was super really awesome
Cookies! 🍪🍪🍪
could you do a survival seres
I actually hit it with my elbow
I literally hit the subscribe button with my elbow
I love that your XP is 69 lol
I was eating cookies while whatching
Cool 😎 video ☺️🤩
I ❤ these vids=)
His favourite food turned against him
I was the 99 like
Hi beckbrocookie can u add me pls its ONE_WHITE1234
Can you keep trolling the boys 😂
ur on a opera gx Ad XD
I always wanted to ask you jack to be my friend 😳😔
Belloo, I literally liked the vid with my left elbow 😅
can u do another doctor who mod show case?
I liked the vid with my elbow
Hey, Jack, can you draw your friends with? Marvel or Ben 10
I’m guessing she used the mobs as a distraction and then she or an accomplice snuck in and stole them.
Beckbrojack you are my favourite YouTuber❤❤❤❤
Love your videos keep making more
Jack loves his cookies 🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪
Jack you love cookies a lot lot I mean a lot
He even had Cookie monster
Also keep up the good
Veryyyyyyyyyyyyyy Cool video
Elemental tycoon
1 day mark
First of all, can i get pinned, i subed (subscribed)
Jack, did you really think we wouldn't notice that you died at 12:01? That was some sloppy editing there, Jack.
Hi, this is one of your biggest fans and I just wanted to let you know I friended you and Adam on roblox
aCookieGod has been agared
Who thing beckbrojack need 1m like who with me
If im there i would eat them
I am making brown cookies
Cookie emoji
Also I’d love if you made more Minecraft Videos❤
Your videos are amazing I love them so much
What is your favorite game?