1000 days FULL MOVIE | Minecraft Create Mod (Episodes 1 – 13)

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I survived 1000 days (so far!) in the minecraft world I ALWAYS wanted, heavily focused around the Minecraft Create Mod, and this is the FULL MOVIE of that experience! All 13 episodes in one easy-to-watch package – what more could you want!

We take a dive into Create Mod, build a valley full of create farms and automation, start a minecraft create train network, build a HUGE automated tree farm and a whole lot more!

00:00:00 – 1: I started the minecraft world I ALWAYS wanted
00:20:47 – 2: Create mod starter house
00:42:02 – 3: Create mod Mob & XP farm
01:05:12 – 4: Create mod Iron Farm
01:25:23 – 5: Create mod mineshaft elevator
01:47:47- 6: Create mod Workshop
02:12:16 – 7: Create mod WIndmill and Farmers Delight
02:33:50 – 8: My first create mod train!
02:59:05 – 9: Create mod Passenger Train
03:24:04 – 10: Create mod Automated tree farm
03:51:56 – 11: Into the depths, and a big viaduct!
04:18:14 – 12: Create mod Freight train – loggin train!
04:45:11 – 13: Huge automated storage warehouse

Get the pack on Curseforge – https://legacy.curseforge.com/minecraft/modpacks/create-perfect-world – and come join us on the community server via discord! https://discord.gg/JWzC94JjUX

A playlist of music used in all my videos over the years! https://tinyurl.com/2ta9uxpw


Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/mrbeardstone
Discord: https://discord.gg/JWzC94JjUX
Twitter: https://twitter.com/MrBeardstone


#minecraft #createmod #1000days #create #letsplay #letsplay #survival


37 thoughts on “1000 days FULL MOVIE | Minecraft Create Mod (Episodes 1 – 13)”

  1. Its a shame to see these robber barons profit so much off of others. Paying their workers low wages, stomping out competing businesses, destroying habitats… How far will they go to fuel their greed? 😔

  2. Create turned understandable in a cinematic video of a town being beautifully made😢🎉 I've figured… I'm not a good builder though 😂😂 but alot of nice tips and tricks here! Will keep my eye out for more! 😊

  3. yup. the rope has to be stationary for you to climb it. also it kinda helps if you hold the sneak key while on the rope otherwise your just going to slip right off at some point. it's like climbing on vines in minecraft, do-able; but not for the directionally challenged! XD


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