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I survived 1000 days (so far!) in the minecraft world I ALWAYS wanted, heavily focused around the Minecraft Create Mod, and this is the FULL MOVIE of that experience! All 13 episodes in one easy-to-watch package – what more could you want!
We take a dive into Create Mod, build a valley full of create farms and automation, start a minecraft create train network, build a HUGE automated tree farm and a whole lot more!
00:00:00 – 1: I started the minecraft world I ALWAYS wanted
00:20:47 – 2: Create mod starter house
00:42:02 – 3: Create mod Mob & XP farm
01:05:12 – 4: Create mod Iron Farm
01:25:23 – 5: Create mod mineshaft elevator
01:47:47- 6: Create mod Workshop
02:12:16 – 7: Create mod WIndmill and Farmers Delight
02:33:50 – 8: My first create mod train!
02:59:05 – 9: Create mod Passenger Train
03:24:04 – 10: Create mod Automated tree farm
03:51:56 – 11: Into the depths, and a big viaduct!
04:18:14 – 12: Create mod Freight train – loggin train!
04:45:11 – 13: Huge automated storage warehouse
Get the pack on Curseforge – https://legacy.curseforge.com/minecraft/modpacks/create-perfect-world – and come join us on the community server via discord! https://discord.gg/JWzC94JjUX
A playlist of music used in all my videos over the years! https://tinyurl.com/2ta9uxpw
Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/mrbeardstone
Discord: https://discord.gg/JWzC94JjUX
Twitter: https://twitter.com/MrBeardstone
#minecraft #createmod #1000days #create #letsplay #letsplay #survival
THIS IS NOT THE END!!! Have seen some panicked comments, don't worry! This is the journey so far, we're barely getting started in this series – episode 14 in 2 days!
Love the series so far. Nice to sit back and chill too. I already loved the create mod but now I'm obsessed with it.
best 5 hrs spent
I wish this mod was for mobile
"monkeys :D"
are you British?
I normaly HATE waching long vidios but you just make evry little ting fun
Keep up the great work
Your videos a fire erred!
Was wondering if the pack is on bedrock?This is AMAZING and would hate not to play it
What are the specs requierd to run this?
Ps love the video :3
Waiting for day 2 billion
I just saw the hole video/movie in one peace and im tired afer chilling in my bed and Watching this loooong video but it was really good
no matter the size, he likes small and big cogs
4:47:03 on the map he has so many valleys in the mountains when I’ve been looking for them for years
You deserve the 100k subs
Why was there a gold nugget in the machine? 2:00:41
Btw the rain is just TUFF
Play Nuclearcraft
2 min in and I subscribed instantly.
already love the vibes my guy
Add a Erosion mod
my favorite part is where he could have crushed the poppy behind him for green dye instead
Does anyone know a server hosting service that could host this?
this is such a great series, i absolutely love your playthorugh!
Its a shame to see these robber barons profit so much off of others. Paying their workers low wages, stomping out competing businesses, destroying habitats… How far will they go to fuel their greed?
My head hurts from the sentence in minute 34: second 45-49
Bro went truth human evolution but on singleplayer
respect the best minecraft movie i have ever watched definitely worth the 5 hours looking forward to ep 50
Mr breadstone can i suggest for ay new video which is can you make ay southern pacific train you can have a look at google
Your knowledge of create absolutely amazes me
What version of Minecraft are you playing on? 1.20?
Create turned understandable in a cinematic video of a town being beautifully made
I've figured… I'm not a good builder though 
but alot of nice tips and tricks here! Will keep my eye out for more! 
2000 days
i like how you can tell from the watch meter that someone was studying your mob farm lol
yup. the rope has to be stationary for you to climb it. also it kinda helps if you hold the sneak key while on the rope otherwise your just going to slip right off at some point. it's like climbing on vines in minecraft, do-able; but not for the directionally challenged! XD