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4:00 villagers will not breed if the ceiling is 2 or below blocks high because there will not be enough room for the babys to bounce on the bed
The slab house is to see better in your home outside and avoid skeletons arrows
Neither I can’t burn
no that is a lie dark oak trees can grow by themself
I only take away everything before I go into the Nether in case I get a bad spawn
Level 20: it’s a scaaaam
Zach “don’t through you good stuff in lava”
Netherite “haha GOT’M
when u said UwU LOL
i am from india soo should i unsubcribe??😂😂🤣🤣😅😅😄😄😃😃😁😁😀😀😀
U can go to the nether without armor if ur dream
I just got from here fguys.online* I am playing on my Mobile now
you can use your wood pic as furnace fuel so don't throw them out
How can you lose ancient debris in lava? Do you mean you couldn’t find it agian?
You can jump 5block
Fu*k lover 1 mill views in 1 day. With *ADS!?!
Level 20, how many new things did i learn? 0
Level 50, how many new things did i learn? 1
Level 100, how many new things did i learn? 1
I am not from UK. Im from Malaysia.
I like your videos
Level 16: no one can deafet me
Wadzee: I'm gonna end him
8:03 Obito on minecraft
Bruh u gotta use blast furnaces (for ores) and smokers (for food).
Furnaces are for other stuff.
I'm from Philippines 😶
Do f3 + Q. JUST DO IT
101 thing not to do: Don't mlg lava bucket
The quickest way to mine cobblestone is by a golden picaxe
Actually if you have a block like cobblestone it won't get destroyed by ghasts
Them: 100 things you shouldn’t do in mincraft
Me: im doing it
8:00 dude, ancient debris doesn’t burn in lava or fire
9:48 Terraria reference?
Everyone has done this some point or am I the only one
Lover fella:
Wear gold armour or else you are going to get destroyed
Who has protection 4 netherite armour
Am i a joke to you
More things not to do, in the nether always wear gold armour or piglins will kill u, and always carry a cauldron with water or a fire resistance potion and it's very useful in the nether so that if u burn there's nothing to worry about. When beating the ender dragon always carry a slow falling potion or a water bucket, when beating the wither make sure u have op armour and kill it underground , when u get poisoned,withered or any effects that can kill you ,make sure to carry milk to make the effect go away btw it also works on bad omen
Luke the notable built a huge emerald tower in hardcore
try alt + f4
Netherite it’s floats in lava
i got an ad that was 18 minutes
iv sucscribed beecaus im british
"never mine a block with a sword"
i have resorted to using bedrock breaking methods or water to break cobwebs
U'll go to prison if u delete minecraft
i watched the ads without skipping.
; edd. X q