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I survived 100 Days in the Minecraft Jungle, this is what happened…
Trapped in the Jungle, Luke TheNotable’s only chance for survival is living in this land carefully. Will he? Find out now! Please subscribe that would be notable.
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14:21 Suggestion you probably already know as the 5000 days guy, soul fire doesn’t spread like normal fire. So if you’re willing to tolerate blue flames, you can have a perfectly safe fireplace.
Live in a world with a small world border, its really fun
Amplified world next?
17:28 It is a mark of how careful Luke is that his mob-drop chain helmet lasted 50 days without a repair.
It’s crazy how a lot of people probably don’t know this channel used to be about Halo. lol what happened?
100 days skyblock!
200 days jungle?
You've done Badlands and Jungle, and other people have done semi-Notable Ice Spikes and Ocean, so how about that ridiculously-tall Savannah Biome, or a Mountain of some sort?
We need more tors vids !!!!!?!❤
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Do this again but with the dungeons content mod.
Way too fast for me that's why I watch those 3-4 hour videos.
Do jungle biomes have a higher frequency of mob spawners?
Cherry Blossom if you want peace
Deep Dark if you want hell
you should do 100 days mushroom fields
I Love you
bro what is the seed i want to try it
the jungle turned luke into a pol potist
You should do 200 days in the Jungle. I feel like this was the most interesting 100 days besides the original.
Well, that was a good video! There was a big smile on my face when this was in my recommendations. Next, I think seeing you survive 100 days in an ocean only world will be quite notable!
He has made us another masterpeice
bro got dropped in vietnam
Pls 100 days on terraria
You were in the Jungle for 100 days and you didnt get a parrot. thats notable
i need to see 100 days oceans NOW
Here's an idea for you. Create a world that is 1 infinite desert biome with the datapack that removes villages from spawning. But only villages, abandoned villages, portals, temples, outposts, wells, and all that other stuff still spawn. I've been doing that myself and it's been pretty challenging. Wood is my most precious resource.
You should make 100 days in minecraft alpha. Like, if you die you just delete the world artificially
This guy has been living in a world where he's indestructible for too long. Now just a little rain is all it takes to send this man running home with his tail between his legs, even with full iron armour.
He doesn't even explore on foot, he cowers on the river… with full iron and a shield.
Sir !! The creepers, they're in the trees !!
You lived in the jungle 100 days and you didn't Form a parot army, im upset