100 Days – [Minecraft JUNGLE]

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I survived 100 Days in the Minecraft Jungle, this is what happened…

Trapped in the Jungle, Luke TheNotable’s only chance for survival is living in this land carefully. Will he? Find out now! Please subscribe that would be notable.

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32 thoughts on “100 Days – [Minecraft JUNGLE]”

  1. You've done Badlands and Jungle, and other people have done semi-Notable Ice Spikes and Ocean, so how about that ridiculously-tall Savannah Biome, or a Mountain of some sort?

  2. Well, that was a good video! There was a big smile on my face when this was in my recommendations. Next, I think seeing you survive 100 days in an ocean only world will be quite notable!

  3. Here's an idea for you. Create a world that is 1 infinite desert biome with the datapack that removes villages from spawning. But only villages, abandoned villages, portals, temples, outposts, wells, and all that other stuff still spawn. I've been doing that myself and it's been pretty challenging. Wood is my most precious resource.

  4. This guy has been living in a world where he's indestructible for too long. Now just a little rain is all it takes to send this man running home with his tail between his legs, even with full iron armour.
    He doesn't even explore on foot, he cowers on the river… with full iron and a shield.


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