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Watch Luke TheNotable survive 100 Days in the Minecraft Badlands. All in HARDCORE Minecraft where 1 death means the world is deleted.
World Download – https://www.mediafire.com/file/884jegieh9n4ly9/100_Days_-_%255BMinecraft_Badlands%255D.rar/file
Follow me on Twitter!! – https://twitter.com/LukeTheNotable
Thumbnail Art – Maeder https://twitter.com/itsmaeder
Follow Tors! https://twitter.com/TorsThe
I have a new 100 Days next week so make sure to come back!
I recorded these before 3000 Days and held them because I could tell that all my fans wanted was 3000 Days. I'm so glad to finally release them!!
If you want to see the start of 4000 Days come back to my channel on December 16th 2022. I will be live streaming the first few days to celebrate the start! (I know I said Dec 15 in the tour video but I messed that up ooops)
Stay Notable!!
EDIT – Thank you for #1 Trending!!
Hewo Luke thanks for making these great vids!
i gotta add about removing adds when he said that he will play an add.
how dare you shower, that is an illegal action in the gamer community, unless it was to impress a gal then thats fine but NO u SHOWERD for NO RESONE. you monster.
im in the run 😀
Me: clicks on the video
Me: goes to full screen
Me: goes out of full screen accidentally
Me: sees merch 😳
we dont talk about day 76
I can appreciate the wind noises in the intro.
No not fast but is notable
Is it just me or when luke said he'll play an advertisement is actually played one? Or is yt just has rlly good timing?
Tors 300DAY
100 days in the bad lands its filled with poisonous spiders so basically australia
Luke could you do 100 days on icy spikes pls for Christmas
Dude you have string just craft a fishing rod
Luke you should do 100 DAYS IN A LIVING IN A STATUE OF YOU FOR 100 DAYS
My home. Western Australia
The badlands (originally called mesa biome, yeah I'm a minecraft veteran) is my favourite biome ever. It is just so pretty.
Good job luke and welcome to idaho
No home 100 days?
Try IT on The Farming Valley modpack
I dare you
My little brothers haircut made him too handsome
Was there ever any doubt this would be full of villagers? Lol.
im going to block you cos u just called me a slow typer
Bro was ok at the start with flying cart with chest and railway
Bleep is my favorite villager.
kenshi lore:
This guy needs to survive a 100 days in a only deep dark world.
great video
I feel like pretty soon he's gonna make a hotel called "Hotel California"
Keep it up! I'd like to see a 200 days in thee badlands
100 days Africa
The Karen: HOA here, please pay up!
Luke: There IS no HOA in the badlands
The Karen: But- But-
Luke: Get out of my LAND!
Same man 3:24
Nice vids. I thought the thumbnail showed it out
bro he missed accient debris at 11: 28
My uncles cat midnight died not to long ago
oml at 12:00 when he said that he will play an ad. a pop-up appeared!
Is anyone else annoyed by the missed yellow terracotta block for the floor or is it just me. 27:29
Please do 200 days of this and the old Minecraft series would be great
When i first saw your name i thought it was "Luke, Not a table"
You have to make 200days
"people do it naked with beds"
Tf did I do
… don’t gates be place next to each other?
Can you do the mangrove swamp
All that terracotta made me sick