100 DAYS in the DESERT | Hardcore Minecraft

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Hey, guys! Join me for 100 Days in the Desert Challenge in Hardcore Minecraft! From scorching days to terrifying nights, we’ll tackle the ups and downs of desert survival.

Can we beat the Ender Dragon and turn this dusty desert into a sweet oasis within 100 days? I sure hope so lol.


49 thoughts on “100 DAYS in the DESERT | Hardcore Minecraft”

  1. I hope you guys enjoyed my time in the desert! What biome should I try next? πŸ™‚

    Also the seed for this world is 1956637374383040970
    Make sure to set it to desert only, otherwise it’s going to be quite different!!!

  2. im not sure if this is a minecraft myth or not but i remember hearing wandering traders spawn slightly more often around village bells; ever since, ive always placed a bell near my house when im looking for resources, and–it might be placebo–it seems to work!

  3. It was an excellent play through. I think every one hundred days play through outta be 200 days on account of sleeping the nights away. I am loving the longer video content. Thanks for all the entertainment Trash. You’re the best! 🍻

  4. omg i love this. just came across this channel and so glad i did!!!!!! i’ve been looking for smaller mc creators bc their just so good πŸ™‚ keep up the lovely work 😊❀

  5. 200 days, please. I'd love to see you expand the oasis with animals and different types of trees and different kinds of flowers. Also, you could also find that chicken jockey and get a feather so you can do some archeology.

  6. Another video in this world?? Heck yes! Also, a 2 hour Trash video is what I needed tonight. I very much enjoyed watching 😁😁😁 I'd subscribe a second time if I could haha bye byyeee byyyeeee

  7. I'm loooking at my keyboard trying to warp my brain around how you press shift with your thumb, do you still use your pinky for sprint? unless your a left handed mouser, then that wouuld make total sense.


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