100 Days as a ONE BLOCK Noob in Minecraft

Minecraft Viki (video wiki) ➜ https://minecraft.viki.gg

I’ve never played One Block before in Minecraft, so let’s do this.

#minecraft #100days #oneblock

💬 Discord: https://discord.gg/qFqssq5NUj
🔹 Twitter: https://twitter.com/FrozyCraft

🎮 One Block Map: https://ijaminecraft.com/map/oneblock/


27 thoughts on “100 Days as a ONE BLOCK Noob in Minecraft”

  1. you can heal iron golems with an iron ingot .. just right click it onto the golem
    edit. also grass dosnt spawn naturally .. just spread from one dirt W grass to another Without grass.. so you have to make it spread trough dirt to somewhere you wanted it.. thats why is important to keep at least SOME grass blocks in ONE BLOCK or SKYBLOCK and make it spread.. i believe sometimes you could buy from a wandering trader a block of grass and put it where ever you want to make it spread.. but im not sure about that

  2. The spruce saplings can also be placed in a 4 square so u grow a big spruce tree, def helps with the space normal 1 saplings take with the leafs and the 4 sapling trees are a breeze to mine. dont know if u know this alr but yeah

  3. I don't use slabs in skyblock or one block either, but I do it intentionally and with the full knowledge of what I am doing. Slabs have always been a bit too buggy to be a reliable thing to stand on. Trees that grew while standing near them have pushed me down and phased me through slabs. When placing slabs while shift walking has glitched in multiple ways causing me to fall. Sometimes it placed like normal and then disappeared while standing on it. Sometimes they would place a slab on the half layer below where I am placing even though there is no full block to place it against, and therefore impossible to place there also causing me to fall. Then there are the lighting bugs as well. Slabs are fine to save resources in normal situations sometimes, but when you are standing above the void where you can die and loose your stuff, they are too dangerous for me. I'll just use double the resources, and not have to worry about phasing through my floor. It saves you more resources in the long run when you don't fall into the void with an inventory full of expensive items.

  4. Seus vídeos realmente me distraem e me deixam bem!!
    Me faz parar de pensar na minha vida horrivel e triste… ehh pelo menos por um pequeno tempo sim
    Mais o foco aqui não é meu fracasso e sim seu canal incrível
    Continue assim , estarei sempre aqui assistindo e curtindo seu canal 🎉

  5. I just started playing Minecraft recently because of my son. I am still learning and coming across your videos is super handy. I am after watching your full 100 days in Minecraft and now I am halfway watching this and it’s 4am! How do I stop now? 😂 I am too invested! Love your channel 🫶🏻

  6. Man those builds were gorgeous! I really need to use shroomlights more often, I somehow always forget about them but they're beautiful! Especially with those shaders! Great vid!

  7. Haven't enjoyed Minecraft gameplay this much in a while! So glad YouTube recommended your vids, watching them gave me the urge to play the game again :^) hope to see more content !!


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