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Here are 10 awesome things you can build with the noteblock in minecraft!
In this video we will go over 10 ways to use the noteblock in your minecraft builds. The noteblock is a great variety block for adding detail to your minecraft building. In this video we will go over how to use it for something other than its intended purpose!
Instagram: @BdoubleOinsta
Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/bdoubleo100
Twitch Channel: https://www.twitch.tv/bdoubleo
Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/BdoubleO100
Today hermit craft time riight?
Bdubs im so sorry about iv rose my mom found u last night and told me your story and i know that iv rose is in heaven
I love the new diet brown brown and more brown, if you follow his insta you'll get it
Love getting a glimpse of bdubs' creative world these last few videos
Bdubs, I loved this! I’m just letting you know that I received no notification and didn’t see it in my sub box. I think this is a common issue with YouTube but you might want to look into them not promoting your videos.
What shaders do you use?
Bdubs: On the modern side
Also bdubs: in the 80s
Me fretting about the ceiling since my minetest days: Am I a good builder yet?
You’re creative mind is insane you quickly became my favorite hermit and got me back into Minecraft. You’re a great inspiration thank you you’ve got me through some difficult times in my life just watching your videos and bubbly personality.
I also used noteblocks as a checkered floor with Redstone lamps (big suprise)
On a creative world I was building a bakery that used more red/orange colors (bricks, granite, red sandstone, acacia wood)
I was thinking the noteblocks and Redstone lamps could look like floor tiles, and with their colors it matches with the whole color scheme
That is what I used noteblocks for 🙂
Interresting, this vid works not only for a noteblock, you can watch any block. And see it with Bdubs eyes: look at the "colors" and think of it as a "building" block. hmmm purpur looks like a hmm… cotton candy workbench. Or a deadbush might be a "magic wand" in a wizards room. I think I'm getting the tought her Bdubs thx a lot! 🙂
I think with using it as a crown molding/wallpaper top it could also be used as a vent cover / cold air return at the top of the wall for a half block style
You missed one: use it in a wine cellar. A lot of wine cellars use crates with a diamond pattern for the bottle slots.
4:39 Could also use it like those alcohol/drink holder things in restaurants. Not sure what they are called, but you set a bottle in each one of the diamonds. That's what I instantly thought it was, storage for bottles.
In addition, I just took the door outline idea, and you can hook those border note blocks up to Redstone for a functioning doorbell.
"It's not a Note Block it's a Building Block"
also noteblocks won't confuse your villagers
DId anyone else not get this notification?
Wow, I’ve never thought about using noteblocks as building blocks
Am I the only one who sees a llama in #8? I mean… I AM a little stoned, but I'll bet a whole lot of you are, too
9:18 the marbled terracotta design on the wall has a mistake AND IT'S BOTHERING ME A LOT
The door detail was my favorite tbh. Love the way bdubs is REALLY trying to sell the idea of the noteblock as a building block
bdubs, i’ve been a subscriber for nearly a decade and i watch all your videos and i check my subscription box a dozen times a day and THIS VIDEO DID NOT SHOW UP IN MY SUB BOX. what the heck 🙁 got lucky and saw it on another page but i’m over a week late 🙁
Just fyi, this didn't show up at all in my sub feed, and that's the first time it has happened. I watch all your content, so I was sad when I missed it.
Connecting it to observers is guud too.
love it, very helplfull
"one mark of a good builder is someone that pays attention to the ceilings"
Looks at Etho*
Hey Bdubs, i think underused block is also lodestone, will you continue in those videos?
(Comment Deleted)
Try to combine it with podzol
Does anyone know what shaders/texture pack bdubs uses?
Excellent vid. Building with Bdubs, 1 block at a time. Would love more of these.
Best thing about using note blocks for decoration? Hide an observer behind one of them to trigger a secret entrance or other redstone contraption.
Trippy, got a BDoubleO ad but for a Different BDoubleO, this one did music.
i see your hair now matches your minecraft skin.
11:51 I thought he said seaweed detail and I was like you did that for this weeks video…
You don't EVER run out of cobble!
What shader do you use?
Why isn’t BDubbs a voice actor for DISNEY?
Wallpaper birder will never be dated!!! Sponge painting, yes…but wallpaper border is everything!! 🤣🤣🤣
I love this series. You’re a great instructor. Could you please do one on roofs?
You forgot number eleven: A piano
I love that hanging platform of barrels and "baskets"! Fantastic idea! I shall be using that one.
I wasn't sold on #10 at first but u got me 😀
never thought of using this but after watching the kelp video and this one i'm sold on trying new thing. i'd love if you continued this series when you get ideas
Love this! I'm wondering what mods/generation settings he's used to make that beautiful background! It would be insane if that was all made by hand/world edit 😮