10 Things You Can BUILD with a Noteblock in Minecraft

Minecraft Viki (video wiki) ➜ https://minecraft.viki.gg

Here are 10 awesome things you can build with the noteblock in minecraft!

In this video we will go over 10 ways to use the noteblock in your minecraft builds. The noteblock is a great variety block for adding detail to your minecraft building. In this video we will go over how to use it for something other than its intended purpose!

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47 thoughts on “10 Things You Can BUILD with a Noteblock in Minecraft”

  1. Bdubs, I loved this! I’m just letting you know that I received no notification and didn’t see it in my sub box. I think this is a common issue with YouTube but you might want to look into them not promoting your videos.

  2. You’re creative mind is insane you quickly became my favorite hermit and got me back into Minecraft. You’re a great inspiration thank you you’ve got me through some difficult times in my life just watching your videos and bubbly personality.

  3. I also used noteblocks as a checkered floor with Redstone lamps (big suprise)
    On a creative world I was building a bakery that used more red/orange colors (bricks, granite, red sandstone, acacia wood)
    I was thinking the noteblocks and Redstone lamps could look like floor tiles, and with their colors it matches with the whole color scheme
    That is what I used noteblocks for 🙂

  4. Interresting, this vid works not only for a noteblock, you can watch any block. And see it with Bdubs eyes: look at the "colors" and think of it as a "building" block. hmmm purpur looks like a hmm… cotton candy workbench. Or a deadbush might be a "magic wand" in a wizards room. I think I'm getting the tought her Bdubs thx a lot! 🙂

  5. 4:39 Could also use it like those alcohol/drink holder things in restaurants. Not sure what they are called, but you set a bottle in each one of the diamonds. That's what I instantly thought it was, storage for bottles.

  6. bdubs, i’ve been a subscriber for nearly a decade and i watch all your videos and i check my subscription box a dozen times a day and THIS VIDEO DID NOT SHOW UP IN MY SUB BOX. what the heck 🙁 got lucky and saw it on another page but i’m over a week late 🙁

  7. never thought of using this but after watching the kelp video and this one i'm sold on trying new thing. i'd love if you continued this series when you get ideas


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