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I Bought a 1 Star, all the way up to a 5 Star Minecraft Bedrock Map from the Minecraft Marketplace to see how they would compare. These Maps included things like Minecraft PvP, Parkour, Challenges, and more. Will the 5 Star Map be better than the 1 Star Map, or is the Marketplace rating system bad?
wheres the skibidi toilet i recommended
Buddy fell off
I still have legacy edition 😊
The first map was an addon lol
My WIFI cutout while I was watching this and forgot about it. Thankfully, there is a section on my phone that says
"Continue Watching" and remembered this video.
yoo evident, try the better on bedrock add-on
I’m not sure of this but I think the first map adds the ability to craft normal mob spawn eggs too.
I could make the same 1st mod for free and without even coding, what a steal
how to i sub if im allready subbed
Evident my big brother stop using your mom's credit card LOL
Hackar vs the best Bridger next vid plss
Bro, thinks he's MrBeast 💀
20:00 "But there wasn't really that much to do." you went on the tram tour and one ride and called it there. That map actually has quite a lot of content that'll take you at least a couple hours in a blind playthrough. It's got more rides than just Revenge of the Mummy and on top of that, there are plenty of minigames that you can play to earn letters to repair the globe. There are shops all around the park and you can interact with certain NPCs to get different food and merchandise like plushies, wearable backpacks, shirts, and hats. And once you DO repair the globe, you get rewarded with the flying bike from the E.T. ride/movie. Also according to the creators, all the rides are a 1 to 1 copy of the real ones that last exactly as long as they do irl and since you said you've actually been to Universal Studios before, you could have noticed and appreciated that detail. I think you called it quits too early with that map and didn't give it much of a chance.
dude simping for Shrek
BRO the second map has 2 buttons to the left of the entrance. Idk how i saw it but u walked past it a couple times now i cant sleep knowing u didnt press it 🙁
Bro sounds like the Carl Wheezer from the mummy ride 💀
This makes me miss legacy console even though I never even played it… what?
11:07 i really subed💀
14:01 How long will it last
am already subed so ill sub on my alt
girl scream 15:13
Yes I will marry u everyone is invited to the wedding
Such a cool vid! can someone unban me from evidents discord, im begging you!!!!😭😭😭 im such a fan!!
If evident hearts this comment, i will delete this channel of mine that has 1k.
you should play lifesteal
See what u did now I switched from java to bedrock because of you😂❤
Stop using ur moms credit card
Imagine playing bedrock
11:10 Enjoy the sub!
The scream bro😭😭
Nice parkour win I just subbed
your supposed to craft the spawn eggs
I have a suggestion can you play the mods and maps for bedrock edition on cruseforge
11:03 he asks us to sub
Evident at the Universal Studios tour ride reminds me of me at age 4.
u sond like tode screeming
What happens if you milk the skeleton cow
If a chicken channel comments on this comment i will lose my mind
Play trading trader free but good af
Bro i remember playing battle on the wii u it was so fun and for the 3 game modes or 2 that they had it was super fun and the secrets it had and the best part was for the battle arena if you put on a different texture pack it would change the map and everyone could use it and it would have different stuff.
Best of all WAS THE VOICE CHAT, that shi was actually funny
This food is about to be delicious with this video
When live stream
Im unsubscribing
"will the five starr map be better than the one starr map,probably not"5<1
Evident please please answer this. Cr7 or messi?