I wish i remembered one seed i found that had a stronghold right under a village that was in sight from the spawn, unfortunately i forgot to write it down somewhere ๐
On number 22 the mountain looks like the Himalayan mountain ๐๏ธ where is in Asia of china its the tallest mountain in the world but if you say a country itโs not the tallest but china has the tallest
If you want a minecraft world for 1.20, this world has an open environment, a huge cave system, but most of all, it has the Deep Dark. Seed: -6384763643152943458
I FOUND TOO A NICE SEED! Go to seed 1000 after write: /locate structure village:plains and you will see a huuuuuuuge cave with a villager house there and the most of all… HAY BALES!
Can we just take a moment to appreciate how much effort he put into this video. He had to research a bunch of cool seeds and add sound effects. U just earned a sub
i had a village that had swamp villager in bedrock i thought it is common
coords for 3:31?
where is the spawner on number 9
The 1:05 Snowy Village Has Another Village outside of it
3:30 OH SH*T
jesus christ i just clicked on the video and you're screaming already, instant channel block i don't know how kids watch this shit.
One person found 5 god apples in a chest
I wish i remembered one seed i found that had a stronghold right under a village that was in sight from the spawn, unfortunately i forgot to write it down somewhere ๐
8:05 is a cool seed and 5:06
did u know? one in a million seed videos contain 1 in a trillion seed seeds?
I actually found 3 enchanted apples from ur 1 in a trillion seeds video
1:46 i've definetly had this EXACT same seed. crazy..
what version ;-;
woodland masion in ocean doesnt bring me there pls fix it
seed -1816992259 is my new favorite seed
On number 22 the mountain looks like the Himalayan mountain ๐๏ธ where is in Asia of china its the tallest mountain in the world but if you say a country itโs not the tallest but china has the tallest
What are the coordinates for the triple spawner in seed #9
1:22 i have spawned in that seed accidentally
So that skull was just click bait, huh?
bruh in the stone cave thing in the ocean there was an emerald bro look closer
0:51 0:52 0:52 0:52 0:53 0:54
My mind is blowing up! At the same time you sound British and at the same time you sound American! What are you!๐๐๐
If you want a minecraft world for 1.20, this world has an open environment, a huge cave system, but most of all, it has the Deep Dark. Seed: -6384763643152943458
I FOUND TOO A NICE SEED! Go to seed 1000 after write: /locate structure village:plains and you will see a huuuuuuuge cave with a villager house there and the most of all… HAY BALES!
Is on TLauncher Java 1.19.3
Is true or a joke?
one time i was playing Minecraft education edition i found lava underwater, i dont remember the seed though.
These seeds sucked so bad you had to use a clickbait thumbnail lol exactly why I skim thru vids. Doesn't deserve a view
How do people find these ๐
You are lying
You are lying
what version is the seed at 7:21 in
Note: there is a dark oak forest biome under the ocean mansion. If you remove the mansion, thereโs a very tiny dark oak forest biome
Damn you had my like until you didnt show the skull seed. Get reported for spam / misleading. ๐คทโโ๏ธ
whe had a maintion that i found spawn quarter cut
Realms Plus Server Looking For More Players ..
I will never sub until you stop harming my dogs
Can we just take a moment to appreciate how much effort he put into this video. He had to research a bunch of cool seeds and add sound effects. U just earned a sub
Your Minecraft outfit looks like xNestorios
1:07 is that Shangri-La, the city of wonder inside a ring of mountains of ice? :-). (Movie: Lost Horizon)