1.21 Minecraft Mob Hint + Glow Potion?

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Hidden message about 2023 Minecraft live announcements and new 1.21 mob added with player vote. Minecraft event including 2023 mob vote hint, potion of glowing, minecraft legends, future new features, sneak peaks, release date and much more. ►More News videos: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL-5egZTw99_6lv9myQq1l9ifzJuw2TOIf

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MCwiki page: https://minecraft.fandom.com/wiki/Glow_Ink_Sac

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0:00 hidden minecraft message
0:05 minecraft live 2023 dates
0:14 mob vote mobs release dates
0:52 you like mob vote?
1:09 secret mob information
2:00 potion of glowing
3:51 minecraft articles hint
4:15 secrets revealed in minecraft video
5:54 messages within video
7:08 desert update?
7:45 more background items
8:10 minecraft submarine
9:40 all minecraft articles
11:11 all mobs types

ProtoTech is 100% Vanilla Survival whitelisted 6 year old server that has never reset the map with 160,000+ Minecraft days accumulated. With the goal to automate and collect everything possible in the game, the journey has only started!
► ProtoTech episodes: https://goo.gl/331McE
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Ray’s PC setup: pcpartpicker.com/list/zVKQsk
Recorded with OBS: obsproject.com/
edited with SVP: vegascreativesoftware.com
Optifine: optifine.net/
Mcedit: mcedit.net/
NBTexplore: minecraft.gamepedia.com/Programs_and_editors/NBTExplorer
1.21 Minecraft Mob Hint + Glow Potion? Why Dream manhunt doesnt have these new tricks, items and blocks.
Amidst: github.com/toolbox4minecraft/amidst
Replay Mod: replaymod.com
Carpet mod: github.com/gnembon/carpetmod/releases
Music: www.pretzel.rocks/ https://www.youtube.com/c/audiolibrary-channel/search?query=ambient

Rays Works


28 thoughts on “1.21 Minecraft Mob Hint + Glow Potion?”

  1. Did anyone else notice the cactuses in Tiny Vu's house? We know the desert was an old biome vote loser, but so was the mangrove and they still added it. We also got a leak from a developer where it snowed sand layers in the desert in a background. This leads me to believe the next update theme is a Desert Update

  2. I think, it´s a dry and wet update, because of the submarine and the potion of glowing (glow squid). And of course all the cacti.
    It would add better deep oceans and better deserts…. But that´s only my guess….


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