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Minecraft 1.21 was announced in Minecraft Live last week, and we learned about many new Minecraft 1.21 features. Besides finding out that the armadillo won the 2023 mob vote, the trial chambers, crafter block, and the breeze mob was revealed. However, in this video, I go over the possibility of Mojang adding a new boss mob to Minecraft 1.21.
Thumbnail was (heavily) inspired by PhoenixSC lol
what would a cool type of boss be?
I will be happy if they add the giant back
End City boss, Dungeon boss, Spider boss, Temple Boss nd many more
No just no
I’m 90% certain that the “portal” is only meant for lore and not for gameplay. And the ancient city and trial chamber look nothing alike, so it would weird for them to be linked. Also, “combat” doesn’t mean “late game”. The developers are shown going to the chambers with only iron gear. And the ancient cities isn’t necessarily related combat or the late game. Sure, it’s dangerous, but that doesn’t mean you need netherite gear to go there. As you yourself stated, you’re supposed supposed to avoid the warden, not fight it. Even if you only have iron armor, if you just bring wool blocks, snowballs, and a hoe, you’re probably going to be fine. The only reason you would need enchanted netherite armor is to potentially protect yourself from a since melee hit from a warden. And getting to the portal is much easier than trying to loot the chests.
Elder guardian doesn't count a boss because no boss bar
Didn't they say that the big update would be announced for the 15 year anniversary?
That's the worst theory ive ever heard lol. Trial chambers are not end game, demostrated by the fact that the devs wore iron armor in the trailer and are clearly generated naturally in the overworld, it makes no sense to add deepslate and a tp function for a mid game dungeon. Also if it was related to ancient cities why use copper? Wouldn't make more sense to make new skulk blocks and skulk themed mobs? Maybe they will add a new boss in the chambers, but it has nothing to do with the ancient cities
Elder guardian isn't a boss.
What if the Ancient civilisation is actually the pillagers . But not the ones you think.. we know that minecraft dungeons is set before Minecraft . It’s infront of it on the timeline. I think those mc dungeons Illagers built the ancient cities to protect the “boss” in the portal. But , they knew that once they died no one would be there to protect the portal (leading to the trail chamber and it’s boss) so they built Golems . And one by one they slowly deactivated because there was so energy / power In them. There was only one left , and the think keeping it alive was sculk. Over time it infected the golem and the city.
These golems were the Squall golems. A golem from mc dungeons which it’s power source is wind . And once away from it , can only last for a short amount of time . I’ll get back to that in a bit.
The sculk corrupted it and influenced it . It was almost like it was alive , talking to it Anyone and everyone who stepped foot on the city was never seen again. But , the portal? What was in it? Well. It was the Tempest Golem .
It all makes sense! The breeze , the use of wind , the copper , the feeling of the howling peaks .
It just WORKZ !
Maybe you could get a map to the trail chambers from villagers
You liar
Me, was an angy boy when the did not add all 3 mobs, but i forgive them cuz autocraft 🙂
Its an interesting theory but in my opinion mojan would have hinted in some
way if it was linked in some way into the citys
Big w
1:48 They said they are going to reveal content in time just like 1.20, it doesn't mean there will be something big, 1.20 proves they most likely wont add anything big or meaningful.
vsauce music
The village raid is the overworld boss, it’s not conventional but it is. People don’t seem to understand that.
The moment when Mojang releases a boss is when Hell freezes over.
The “portal” is a giant skulk catalyst, created to harness soul power
MrToggle fans be ready. He who hears My (Jesus) word and believes in Him (God) who sent Me has everlastng life. John 5:24 Jesus died for you, repent and believe! The consequences are eternal.
I highly doubt the ancient cities and trial chambers are connected, and honestly it would be wasted potential if the giant portal only led to the trail chambers.