1.20 is an underrated update #minecraft #gaming #opinion

Minecraft Viki (video wiki) ➜ https://minecraft.viki.gg

I feel like YouTube’s criteria for “is this Minecraft update worth our time” is “does this affect speedrunning/the current game progression in any way”, and therefore 1.19-1.21 have all been “eh” or “bad”. IN MY HUMBLE OPINION… not everything has to absolutely turn the meta on its head to be fun 🙂

background and song credit: BOTH MOJANG ACTUALLY WOW
the art is concept art
and the song is “A Familiar Room” from Minecraft 1.20 😉

#minecraft #update #minecraftupdate #gaming #opinion #baconguy #opinionatedbacon


49 thoughts on “1.20 is an underrated update #minecraft #gaming #opinion”

  1. as a Minecraft fan i think the best thing of this update has to be the Archaeology i remember watching the minecraft live of 1.17 with my dad adn getting annoyed how they postpone
    everything, i waited 3 years for this

  2. I really love the fact that you said all this in the first place. All too often people talk about worthless minecraft features as if it isn’t a sandbox designed to let you do whatever you want. Never mind the fact that like 99% of the entire player base probably doesn’t even interact with huge challenging parts of the game that people online like to complain about being underdeveloped. This video gives a look into the mind of a real, casual minecraft player, the people who make the game popular, and make up the vast majority of all players. If an end update were to come out, and a popular YouTuber talked about all the cool challenging things it added, and 50,000 comments were left on the video talking about how good the update was, I’m positive that less than a tenth of those people would actually even play it.

  3. Hey dude I understand not making it to the end in survival. I still haven’t made it there and I’ve played since the 360 days :/ (to be fair back then my only interest was building in creative)

  4. I feel like most people don't think about other people for updates like me i liked the nether update an tricky trials update since i like exploring an 1.20 gave more customization for players who like building

  5. I think it's a travesty that they didn't add the tuff and copper Golems in 1.21 it was so obvious with all the new tuff and copper blocks in the trial chamber and it would make the community happy

  6. Also uh on Paramount+ there is a new TMNT show, its 12 episodes, each 20 minutes. However, the first 6 episodes are separate to the last six. Idk why its not just two seasons. Its based off the mutant mayhem movie, after superflys death.


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