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I've watched this about 3 times now just so I can listen to Hermit Gang 😂
I don't think you're a real Minecrafter until you've created a stack of buttons on accident
I work during the twitch stream so I watch these on the tubes of you. Don’t know if you can in Java, but rolling trades is much easier and faster with a sticky piston and lever.
You really shouldn't AFK with your track record. It may be the last thing you do impulse. Be careful with AFK.
Give up your redstone and entity cramming…
At the end I thought you weren't going to fall on purpose but accidentally take a step to far… Glad I was wrong.
do what feels right we all support you
Bedrock should be able to do things Java can’t. Cause Java has things that bedrock will never be able to do. Bedrock does not have any AFK abilities.
Impulse: The name for your Willy Wonka: SPIFFY DIFFY
BUT you CAN make BOAT BOMBS. and you can put chests in boats.
this bedrock player is jealous
Helloooo phantoms
The live-action 2005 Disney's The Lion The Witch and The Wardrobe.
She's old enough.
Prince Caspian is ok agewise and it's a good movie but it's not very faithful to the book
The 2010 Voyage of The Dawn Dreader is very scary and nausea-inducing (in my opinion) and it's not faithful to the book AT ALL (names are the same, but plot and certain settings are completely off)
Impulse: ill build a cabin in the woods, ( pro Minecraft Streamer beats tree with fists ) I'm not getting any wood?!?! hehe :p
Impulsive Willie's tasty treats, you'll beg to put one in your face.
Back to the Future….Yes, Sci-Fi…Time Machine, Time Travel, Seeing yourself in a different timeline…Changing the future by changing the past, etc etc.
that would be cool to choose a random Patreon (that signs up to play) to play with everyone on Friday Night Stabby Stabby…..just sayin'…or something to that effect…just another incentive/bonus of being part of your brand.
Couldn't you just trade for bookshelves, break them and then get books? That would be more efficient than having to make books from Sugar, Cows, etc.
Dang it. 😂😂😂 Now Hermitgang is on my playlist for when I’m out riding the buggy. That should be a fun one for rolling around the mud bogs with.
55:10 I voted for phantoms and I stand by my decision. They add a great element of fun, they are a new and creative hostile mob, something the game needs badly, and they are easy to avoid if you don't want to deal with them, just hob in a bed now and then or stand under something.
1:14:54 He did, but he did it very late and it was more of a talking video. It came out a week or so ago.
I'm only halfway through, but a future idea – just put a row of lecterns down in a room of villagers and check each one, lock any you want, and repeat en masse. Draw any locked ones into cubicles with new lecterns.
1.11m subs, and streaming on twitch, still needs a part time job? bruh
Bdubs diesd during the season 8 entro lol
Aaaahhhhh, that explanation of the changed stream schedule explains how I'm so far behind 😅 Loving these VoDs but man they come out faster than I can watch them!
The irony was not lost on me that you had the water on so you wouldn't hurt the cows as you out them in the Ciw Crusher . 😄