i think i lost most my interest when i moved from my old house i feel like that was the best environment to play at also where i found out about minecraft awhile ago i lived in that house for 11 yrs and now im in a new neighborhood its just not the same😢
No we don't. I get what you're trying to say but I think it's just not true. Kids still do enjoy it as much as we did in the past, and nothing really changed about it from what I can see. It just feels different to us, but it's pretty much the same for them. And they will feel nostalgic in the future, but it just may not be as strong as we feel, simply because now there are way more things to do and more games to play. We didn't have as much choice as kids do now. We didn't have a phone with 50+ games when we were 6, we didn't have a pc that could run everything, and we didn't have a TV with all streaming services. They won't spend as much time in Minecraft as we did, but from what I've seen, out of all the activities they can choose from, they still choose to play minecraft the most because it's as fun for them as it was for us. No new game could fix this. It's just that the times have changed and there's way more to do.
Minecraft is essentially like a wheel or a fundamental tool like scissors in the sense that it is simple and complete. There's nothing to reinvent, or improve on and nothing to feel the lack of. It's a bubble of perfection that we enjoyed in our childhood and it merged into one of our clusters of golden memories.
I think the new Minecraft could be Geometry Dash. It meets the criteria given with others too. It came out in 2013, made by an indie developer, high skill ceiling, low skill floor, infinite replayability, etc. Especially since it hit a new all-time concurrent players really recently. This could be the new Minecraft.
The only thing that truly makes minecraft minecraft is your imagination! Don't let your imagination ever go away to keep it tell yourself I can do what every I put my mind to It is all in my control I just need to see it say it every day to remind yourself the key to life then go on and do what you must! 🙂
We don’t need a new Minecraft. Just keep playing the game the way you want it. No one’s forcing you to do anything. Not mojang not people not anyway. Play how you want to play
Here's my idea: a video game that allows you to create a TV show/movie, such that you can place in or play as actors, and put them all together and use an interface to create a TV show. It could have its own style of characters, but they of course need to be customizable and specifiable. It could be called, "Filmbox" combining the words film and sandbox.
As a guy who discovered this game in 2019 i don't want it gone i don't want it replaced i want to play rest of my life it is one of the best games ever made as stated "endless possibilities infinity wonders"
Hytale IS indeed the new minecraft, the only downside it's that it's never coming out… or maybe it will? Relase dates are expected for 2024/2025, so it's still a long way… BUT be sure to chech Hytale out! It's a really amazing game I swear. I'm a gamer that follows the developement of Hytale since 2019, when their first trailer was released. I believe this is going to be the game of the next decade, at lest for those who have enjoyed minecraft as we did.
Yeah.. I'm on college now and super busy so I can't even play PC games now that takes a lot of time. Last time I played MC was on vacation with my friends and our server only lasted for a few days.
i would love a skyrim style minecraft game thats built like a bethesda game, tells story like a cdpr game (specifically cyberpunk), and keeps true to the original feel of minecraft sort of how dungeons did more than legends.
I would say the new Minecraft is Stardew Valley, but I don't think it's on the same level… Maybe an expanded Stardew Valley, less focused on a city or NPCs. For me, what makes Minecraft different is the lack of a story and the ability to destroy and create anywhere. I would appreciate something like this, but with that cozy feel of Stardew Valley, and perhaps some of its systems. Terraria, perhaps? I just don't particularly like the 2D platform style, not my cup of tea, it needs to be "3d" somehow.
If you want a new minecraft go play lens island its like 25 bucks on steam and i havent stopped playing it since it came out. Its pretty similar to minecraft (you can build, explore, go farming etc.) but it feels very different. Its an indie game which is made by a guy called "flow studio". He is showing how hes improving the game on youtube, you can go check him out if you want to. The game never gets boring because of the new stuff being added to it. I remember my older brother and me sitting at my new PC on christmas eve. He told me about the game and bought it for me. At first, I thought I'd never play that game because it looked kinda boring. A few weeks later though, I was bored so I tried it. I played it for like 20 minutes and I felt something, that I felt when I played minecraft for the first time. It was amazing, so I sat on my chair for hours playing that little game. Updates came and the game really never got boring. I was building my house, upgrading my farm, exploring different islands on my little raft and it was just a feeling i couldn't describe. I'm still playing this game nowadays and it's still great, even though I currently don't have much time for games and stuff like that. (sorry for my english I'm from germany)
i don't feel nostalgic for the minecraft songs because they never played in pocket edition back then. Nor did I hear them when I used to play on the library computers, yet other kids on there would get the songs
I think there is no option for the new Kids tere is Just one thing… but… it is adicteble and horreble it is tiktok.😢
answer: minetest.
i think i lost most my interest when i moved from my old house i feel like that was the best environment to play at also where i found out about minecraft awhile ago i lived in that house for 11 yrs and now im in a new neighborhood its just not the same😢
No we don't. I get what you're trying to say but I think it's just not true. Kids still do enjoy it as much as we did in the past, and nothing really changed about it from what I can see. It just feels different to us, but it's pretty much the same for them. And they will feel nostalgic in the future, but it just may not be as strong as we feel, simply because now there are way more things to do and more games to play. We didn't have as much choice as kids do now. We didn't have a phone with 50+ games when we were 6, we didn't have a pc that could run everything, and we didn't have a TV with all streaming services. They won't spend as much time in Minecraft as we did, but from what I've seen, out of all the activities they can choose from, they still choose to play minecraft the most because it's as fun for them as it was for us. No new game could fix this. It's just that the times have changed and there's way more to do.
Already exists, called Genshin Impact
Minecraft is essentially like a wheel or a fundamental tool like scissors in the sense that it is simple and complete. There's nothing to reinvent, or improve on and nothing to feel the lack of. It's a bubble of perfection that we enjoyed in our childhood and it merged into one of our clusters of golden memories.
rly underrated channel, im subbing
I think the new Minecraft could be Geometry Dash. It meets the criteria given with others too. It came out in 2013, made by an indie developer, high skill ceiling, low skill floor, infinite replayability, etc. Especially since it hit a new all-time concurrent players really recently. This could be the new Minecraft.
The only thing that truly makes minecraft minecraft is your imagination! Don't let your imagination ever go away to keep it tell yourself I can do what every I put my mind to It is all in my control I just need to see it say it every day to remind yourself the key to life then go on and do what you must! 🙂
We don’t need a new Minecraft. Just keep playing the game the way you want it. No one’s forcing you to do anything. Not mojang not people not anyway. Play how you want to play
This are does type of videos on Minecraft's that comes out once in a while to remind of of the game.
Here's my idea: a video game that allows you to create a TV show/movie, such that you can place in or play as actors, and put them all together and use an interface to create a TV show. It could have its own style of characters, but they of course need to be customizable and specifiable. It could be called, "Filmbox" combining the words film and sandbox.
As a guy who discovered this game in 2019 i don't want it gone i don't want it replaced i want to play rest of my life it is one of the best games ever made as stated "endless possibilities infinity wonders"
Hytale IS indeed the new minecraft, the only downside it's that it's never coming out… or maybe it will? Relase dates are expected for 2024/2025, so it's still a long way… BUT be sure to chech Hytale out! It's a really amazing game I swear.
I'm a gamer that follows the developement of Hytale since 2019, when their first trailer was released. I believe this is going to be the game of the next decade, at lest for those who have enjoyed minecraft as we did.
Yeah.. I'm on college now and super busy so I can't even play PC games now that takes a lot of time. Last time I played MC was on vacation with my friends and our server only lasted for a few days.
you have clearly never played tf2
1.13 was the last time was great. 1.16 was the last time it was good. Caves and cliffs ruined it.
i would love a skyrim style minecraft game thats built like a bethesda game, tells story like a cdpr game (specifically cyberpunk), and keeps true to the original feel of minecraft sort of how dungeons did more than legends.
Good video bro
It really just boils down to imagination. That's what the game's about, it's what it has ALWAYS been about.
Hytale ?
i'm playing minecraft with my nephews. It feels like passing on the torch
I would say the new Minecraft is Stardew Valley, but I don't think it's on the same level… Maybe an expanded Stardew Valley, less focused on a city or NPCs. For me, what makes Minecraft different is the lack of a story and the ability to destroy and create anywhere. I would appreciate something like this, but with that cozy feel of Stardew Valley, and perhaps some of its systems. Terraria, perhaps? I just don't particularly like the 2D platform style, not my cup of tea, it needs to be "3d" somehow.
Rome total war remastered imperium surrectum
congrats man you made an 16yo cry 🥲
I think if Rockstar Games combines the good things from GTA 4, 5 and Red Dead Redemption 2 then GTA 6 could have a change at beating Minecraft.
You could not have chosen a better song choice at the end
If you want a new minecraft go play lens island its like 25 bucks on steam and i havent stopped playing it since it came out. Its pretty similar to minecraft (you can build, explore, go farming etc.) but it feels very different. Its an indie game which is made by a guy called "flow studio". He is showing how hes improving the game on youtube, you can go check him out if you want to. The game never gets boring because of the new stuff being added to it.
I remember my older brother and me sitting at my new PC on christmas eve. He told me about the game and bought it for me. At first, I thought I'd never play that game because it looked kinda boring. A few weeks later though, I was bored so I tried it. I played it for like 20 minutes and I felt something, that I felt when I played minecraft for the first time. It was amazing, so I sat on my chair for hours playing that little game. Updates came and the game really never got boring. I was building my house, upgrading my farm, exploring different islands on my little raft and it was just a feeling i couldn't describe. I'm still playing this game nowadays and it's still great, even though I currently don't have much time for games and stuff like that. (sorry for my english I'm from germany)
New video about LEGO out now 🙂
We dont need a new minecraft we need the old minecraft
No surprises was perfect to end with
i don't feel nostalgic for the minecraft songs because they never played in pocket edition back then. Nor did I hear them when I used to play on the library computers, yet other kids on there would get the songs