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The BEST Ideas of 2020, but curated so you don’t have to hear about the dumb ones. Sounds good?
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It should be at least two more cave biomes in the 1.17 to not lack biomes, the mushrool caves and the ice caves (under cold biomes with icecicles)
'TIS THE SEASON (a joke that only long-time subs of ibxtoycat will understand
[well not really a joke] )
Most of these ideas are complete trash, but that biome map could work soo well with a few changes
First thing I noticed was the Totem of Dying in the thumbnail.
And Bone blocks should burn in sunlight
"Creeper's want hugs"
Toycat likes Creeper-chan?
hes playing minecraft with his mind
Connected glass textures for bedrock
Bedrock needs a new world setting/gamerule which would not be part of cheats: java redstone. It really drags us bedrock redstoners down with the fact redstone works differently here and it really limits us, with vertical flying machines needing to be ENORMOUS to function in bedrock, whereas java is only 1x1x4. This of course would be togglable as some redstoners don’t know how to use java redstone, the same if you switch that statement around and some bedrock adapted contraptions would break with java redstone. I think this would be a great addition and is something the mojang devs should consider adding to the next major update after 1.17
Just do chained minecarts
Does anybody know how to submit seeds for seed sunday
If you cant get the resources yourself then you have to buy from him, The wandering trader is playing 4d chess.
I was just thinking about #9 yesterday (the 2 people 1 horse suggestion)
I always thought it was just
You do realize that that fossils are by far the rarest structure in Minecraft. In fact, in all my 7 years of playing Minecraft I have never found one.
Wandering traders should honestly have a LOT of good treasures to sell, but be very rare.
as far as I know wandering Traders are the only ones that will sell you slime and sometimes it is very hard to find slime in your world
i like wandering traders……
4:21 this stoneblock just glitched
The only time I ever used a wondering trader was when I was building my zoo. I wanted some penzol for the floor of a barn. I couldn't find it but there was a trader that offered it. Other than that whenever I see a wondering trader I'm like…. YES! FREE LEEEEEEEEEADS
The best idea by far is the beacon one. And it gives the new crystals a perfect use.
8 there should be a collapsed entrance
Crimson Forest Villages would be cool :))
“Set a man on fire and he will be eat for the rest of his life”
Did you seriously just say that you don’t get much from fossils because it’s just coal and bones? That’s not thee point!
Mixing slabs would be nice wood on bottom half for the interior and like stone on top for the floor on the next level or something like that
They should add guns
The abandoned golem should be built with a soul jack-o-lantern
Toycat is brutally honest, in the first sentence he said "most of your ideas suck"
When you said about the bones , yes true dogs "love" bones but they also may be fatal to them if they get stuck in the throat or digestive system , and yes I own a dog , they may even shatter.
just wanna mention, 2 ppl on 1 horse can make ppl angry, my little sister 11 years likes to ride horses and she and many other would be angry about this thing cuz they love horses so much. i think its a good idea but i think mojang would get bad critic doing such a thin
The wandering trader suggestion would be SO useful for finding biomes legitimately! Mojang HAS TO add this!
Also combat on Java should be made playable again
Btw, what are you building in the background?
pretty much all of these are amazing.
what if you hit a mob whit knock back, if mob hit the block or wall , mob takes damage
Falls and dies
I thought the death totem would make it so while your holding it, whenever you take damage it heals u and whenever u heal it damages u
What do dogs love? Well they like going for walks in the park, playing fetch with a squeaky ball, belly rubs…