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How do I join ur server??
Lover fell a thank you for all you do but it was corny that episode
Bro how do you get your minecraft world to look like that
How do I join your server on bedrock
Hey what where the cordernets for the 7th one. I love your videos
I found somthing extremely rare in 1.18 so you know how usually you only find about 1 to four diamonds in a vein well I found 15
I've seen 22 diamonds in one vien
bruh ima try the oe with mussroom
his videos are starting to get worse i liked his old vids on his server
As much as I love these videos, Zach, I miss your 100 player challenges and the ones you do with your brothers 🥲
I love how he said netherite axe instead of pickax
I meant to say this
I love how he said netherite ax instead of pickax and it had me laughing
I want to tell you something the supersede I voted 6 out of 10 the cool village I voted 9 out of 10
3:08 does this mean that you could use this seed to speed run the achievement where you need to trade with a villager at height limit?!
Have you thought about bedrock connection to your server?
6:39 it looks like a map from the shop
Insane seeds
Loverfella I need the merch
Thank you for posting it is all I am watching at home because I have covid.
Seed 4
Bruh skyblock just upgraded
One time I played with my brother and he found a village then he found a big brown pillager house and then I found a fricking desert temple right under the village
i think i know what ur talking bout with the complete nether portal i did seed where there was suppose to be a complete on but wasnt idk
Bruh i got a mushroom islamd conected to spawn
In my world, I found a vein of 16
I was stacked
In this seed: 1361294490
At cords 159 -14 58
You can find a vein of 16
It is my world seed
Lover I love your channel, it so underrated not gonna lie 😀 He dose not get enough credit, SO SUB TO LOVERFELLA!