Hermitcraft 9: 9 – BONSAI TREE FARM!

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Hermitcraft 9: 9 – BONSAI TREE FARM! Iskall creates a minecraft Tree Farm, using a Bonsai Tree Farm technique… He also signs up for the Hermitcraft Egg hunt, and starts hiding eggs very cleverly.

Hermitcraft Season 9 Seed: Nope…. no seed 😀

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29 thoughts on “Hermitcraft 9: 9 – BONSAI TREE FARM!”

  1. wow why do people go crazy over a silly egg hunt that is for nothing besides entertainment on a video game???? some people act like they themselves were the ones that were affected or they are getting upset on behalf of someone who couldn't care any less about it. like seriously come on grow up they are all adults trying their best to make free entertaining content just enjoy the show and if you dont like what's going on well there are plenty of other hermits or other minecraft youtubers to watch. if you are one of the people who say those nasty things to iskal, i promise the hermits (also the other 99% of us) dont want you being apart of the community. dont berate iskal with nasty things because you got upset on behalf of someone you have never met and to top it off i can guarantee the other hermits dont even care about it… so why do you?

  2. The point isn't to follow the letter of the rules and see how far they can be twisted – it's to follow the spirit of the rules. Every single egg is visible without the seeker having to break block to spot them, and that's the spirit of the rules.


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